Hair Transplant
Growth Cycle
For Scalp Hair
Stage of Cycle Name of Phase What happens? Duration % of hair at a given time
1st Anagen
New hair formation –lengthening and thickening of hair. 2-6 years 80-90%
2nd Catagen (Intervening or Transition) Round 2-3 weeks 1%
3rd Telogen (shedding-resting) Hair gets dislodged and shed either on its own while washing, brushing or by push of newly growing hair. 2-3 months 10
  • Shedding 50 to 100 hairs a day is normal unless the hairs you're losing aren't being replaced by new ones. Progressive hair loss begins naturally in both sexes about age 50, accelerating in the 70s. About 40 percent of Caucasian men lose hair to some extent by age 35. When hair growth fails to keep up with hair loss, the result is thinning hair that can eventually lead to baldness.
  • In some animals all the hairs are in the same phase at the same time and all the hairs go through regular, seasonal, growing and molting/shedding phases at the same time but in humans there is asynchronous growth i.e. not all hair shed together, because each hair has its own different independent growth cycle
  • Body hair, eyebrow hair, eyelashes etc. all have shorter Anagen phases and longer Telogen phases so they don't grow as long as scalp hair.
  • Usually the hair you see every day on you r brush or pillow, or in your shower or sink is the hair that is shed in the Telogen Phase. It will usually be replaced by a new, growing Anagen hair.
  • In Androgenetic Alopecia (common Baldness), the commonest cause of permanent hair loss, the hormone, DHT, causes each generation of genetically sensitive hairs to have a shorter Anagen phase- called miniaturized hair. The affected hairs get progressively more fine and shorter and lighter in colour with each growth cycle until they finally don't grow back.