Hair Transplant
Hair is composed of keratin, the same protein that makes up nails and the outer layer of our skin. Hair has two parts. Shaft: which lies above the skin (the part that we see) Root: which lies within the skin (which we can not see). The root sits in a pit like recess called Follicle. No new hair follicles form after birth. Hair growth takes place within the hair follicle located under the scalp. Male hormones called androgens regulate hair growth in both men and women.
Race Thickness Cross section Colour Curl Number of Scalp Hair Density/
Caucasian Thin
Elliptical and slender Blonde, red, white or black Straight-wavy Up to 140000 100 roots or up to 250 hairs
Mongoloid (Oriental) Thickest-strongest Round Black Ruler-Straight Up to 100000 (much less pubic, axillary, facial, and body hair than of Caucasians) 80 roots or up to 150 to 200 hairs
Negroid Easily damageable by heat or chemicals Flat   Tightly-Curly 90000  
Note: The first hair to be produced by the fetal hair follicles is Lanugo hair, which is fine, soft, and un-pigmented. This is usually shed in about the eighth month of gestation.