Hair Transplant

Progress and Final Result

  • The crusts gradually comes off in about 3 weeks
  • Stitches of donor site either get dissolved or can be removed after 10 days by any doctor near your place.
  • Some or even most transplanted hair may shed in 3-4 weeks time along with some non grafted hair (Telogen effluvium- which is more common in females) but the roots remain live and active under the skin and the new hair grow from them in 3-4 months time
  • It may take 8 to 18 months for the full growth of the growing hair. Not all hair start growing at the same time some remain ahead of other. Not only that initial hair are thinner which with time achieve thickness, as they grow longer. The growth rate of the grafted hair is usually over 90 %.
Before 4 Months - early growth 8 Months