Hair Transplant

Procedure-visual steps

The Procedure of Follicular hair Transplant is simply divided in 3 steps.
Step-1 : Harvesting of Strip :
The hairs in the Donor site from back and side from which we harvest the Strip are normally trimmed short after deciding how big strip is required. The area is cleaned with antiseptics and the skin in numbed by local Anesthetic. After harvesting the strip with single blade knife with least possible damage to the hair under magnification, the gap is closed by only one continuous stitch. The stitch line and the subsequent very thin linear mark will remain covered and hidden by the long hair on the top of the suture line, even when you leave the clinic after surgery. No bandage is given when you leave the clinic.
Step-2 : Cutting of Strip into Follicular Units :
By using high magnification and digital magnification the strip is first slivered into rows of single follicular unit thickness. The slivers are further cut into Follicular Unit Grafts (FUG) by a well-trained team of technicians. They are carefully preserved into cold normal saline until finally implanted in the patients' body.
Step-3 : Implantation of Graft to Recipient Area :
The meticulously prepared grafts of Follicular Units are implanted with the special device called implanter taking care of direction, depth, density and naturalness. The procedure is virtually pain free due to numbing of the skin with thinnest possible needle. Use of implanter avoids the handling of stem cell area of the follicles so the damage to follicles are minimized and the growth rate is maximized.
Entire procedure experience is made pleasant and pain free. You can talk to staff, or us because you are never made sleepy or unconscious. You can, read, listen to music, watch TV, have break for lunch, juice or toilet or can take a nap if you have to get over the Jet lag! At the end of the procedure you can put on your cap and walk back home.