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FUT (Strip Method) With Stitches
What to Chose?
Hair Transplant is for whom? Am I the right candidate?
Follicular Hair Transplant is for:
  • Loss of hair in front i.e. Hair line
  • Recession at the Temple area
  • More extensive hair loss on the top and crown area (check below)
  • Adding density to thinned out area of scalp (check below)
  • Correcting a poorly transplanted area
  • Correcting less hair ( Hypotrichia or Atrichia) on eyebrows or on other body parts like beard, moustache, chest, eyelash or pubic area etc. (if this loss is because of Alopecia areata or scarring alopecia Transplant is best avoided)
  • Scars due to injury, burns, operation etc. in the scalp, beard, eyebrow
Transplant in Crown area:
Transplanting in crown can have following drawbacks
  • The miniaturized weak existing hairs in this area may not be able to sustain the surgery and some of them may be lost sometime after this procedure (shock loss- more detail on the blog)
  • The Transplant may be possible between the existing hairs so we can only put small number of hairs without damaging the existing hairs
  • If you lose more hair in future around the area of transplant you will have central are of transplanted hair with surrounding halo of no hairs; this will not look natural.
  • You can certainly improve the area by use of medications then why you need surgery?
  • Medications often work the best in Crown area compared to other places
  • Crown area is cosmetically less visible to others compared to the front area. It is practically not visible to you.
  • Transplant results take longer time to come. (At times take 1 and ½ year)
  • Transplant density is rarely possible in this area due to whirl pattern of hairs.
Transplant in young age:

The hair loss started in young age is usually due to strong genes and at times is very rapid and if you go for early hair transplant you may lose more of non transplanted hair in near future and that can make you unhappy very soon. Your future hair loss and its extent and time cannot be predictable. If you begin surgery when you are young, you may find your hair loss exceeds your donor area capacity. Since the hair loss is recent the desire to look as it was just a few months ago is intense and it is practically not possible with transplant because transplant cannot achieve the normal density.

Most medical treatments such as Minoxidil, Finasteride, Dutasteride, etc. do not grow a significant amount of hair in most individuals. What they do often though, is slow or even stops hair loss. This is very important to you. You are buying time until we have a better solution and perhaps limiting the amount of hair restoration you will require over the course of you lifetime. This may ultimately save you money and preserve you coverage for a longer period of time. You may also slow your hair loss until such time that you become more comfortable with your degree of hair loss.

Well having said that it is equally true that having hair loss at young age also creates great mental stress because that is the age when everyone wants the best of the looks. 

On the other hand if you have a good donor area and also the awareness about possible hair loss and reasonable expectation out of HT and can control the hair loss medically. transplant can give you happiness although you do have possibility of hair loss and further transplant in near future. If you do consider surgery at a young age, I recommend FUE. This is the only true stand-alone procedure. In other words, you can elect to shave your head down the road and still appear natural because you will not have a linear strip scar in your donor region.

The hair loss in young age at times is very rapid and if you go for early hair transplant you may lose more of non transplanted hair in near future and that can make you unhappy very soon. Well having said that it is equally true that having hair loss at young age also creates great mental stress because that is the age when everyone wants the best of the looks.  On the other hand if you have a good awareness about possible hair loss and reasonable expectation out of HT and can control the hair loss medically; transplant can give you happiness. Well this is the reason why we usually avoid transplanting below 20 years of age

Transplant between the existing Hairs:

The surgical process of Hair Transplant can some times give what is called "shock loss" as a result you may lose more of your existing hair which have weakened. Instead what you need is strengthening your existing hairs by medication.  The medications do not produce new hair (or re grow the lost hair). But if you do not do any thing the loss may keep on increasing. You may have addition of hair by, Hair Transplant after the treatment of 6 months with the medication when your thinned out hairs have become strong enough to sustain the surgery and prevent the shock loss. In the mean time you may thickens your volume by use of cosmetics like Dermmatch. [Check Dermmatch (www.dermmatch.com) or Toppik (ww.toppik.com)].

DUPA: (Diffuse Unpatterned Alopecia)

This is a condition; where even donor area has; miniaturized hairs of >10%. Transplant should be avoided if this condition is diagnosed as it may lead to further loss and poor result. For more…check the Blog.

Chronic Telogen Effluvium (CTE)

This condition is seen esp. in Females and this is a condition different from AGA (Androgenetic Alopecia) and Hair Transplant should be avoided in CTE as it may lead to further loss and poor result. More…. on Blog.

Chronic Smokers:

They should be mentally ready for possible poor result of transplant due to reduced blood supply of skin due to smoking.  More…. on Blog.

Skin Conditions:

Underlying skin conditions of the scalp such as Alopecia Areata, Scarring alopecia etc. should avoid Hair Transplant as it may give poor or short lasting results. More … on Blog.

Uncontrolled Medical Conditions Like:

Uncontrolled Thyroid problems, Low serum Iron or anemia, High serum Prolactin or high Free testosterone may affect your results of Hair Transplant adversely and should be corrected before contemplating Transplant.

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